Monday, March 22, 2010

Oh God! It's soooo.. dry!

I just can't believe this. The rainy season's supposed to be longer than the dry season. Here in sub-Saharan West Africa that's just the way it is, or is supposed to be!
So here's the story. We're in the middle of the rainy season, it's like raining everyday then all of a sudden yesterday, the air was very dusty, dry and cold. I didn't think much of it, I thought maybe someone was just doing some cleaning around my room and the dust was just traveling far. Then I woke up this morning, (well I actually notice it after class at about 10 am) and what do I see outside my balcony. Just guess. This hazy dusty mist of whitish air. A typical harmattan morning seen, as if we were in the middle of the dry season. Imagine that!
And it had rained just a couple of days ago.
Are the forces of nature now against me, just because I said I loved the rain on Friday?
I just can't believe this, but at least we're not having acid rain.

This global warming thing is really changing the weather pattern, and I'm afraid to think of how things would be if the weather gets worse. Because it seems nowadays like if it's not unbearably hot then it's unbearably dry. I don't know how we can fix it, but if we don't try doing something about it now (that is if it isn't too late already) the next thing we'll realize is that the whole earth will be covered with water from the melting peaks of the arctic areas of the earth (THE END OF THE WORLD).

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